Yale University- Advice on Selecting High School courses
Does your school offer AP courses?
Take them, while in high school if possible.
Yale encourages Balance
Yale does not have any specific entrance requirements (for example, there is no foreign language requirement for admission to Yale). But we do look for students who have taken a balanced set of the rigorous classes available to them. Generally speaking, you should try to take courses each year in English, science, math, the social sciences, and foreign language.
Educational and Other Resources
The following web
sites are presented here for your research. We feel confident that
theses sites DO NOT subscribe to “evolution” and deal strictly
with the Biology and Anatomy of humans.
Image Courtesy: http://anatomyzone.com/tutorials/musculoskeletal/l...
We do not endorse, necessarily any of this sites, as we have not scrutinized their content for “evolutionist” teachings.
Please note that we only present these sites simply as resources to your Christian based educational goals.
On line study of the human body. Anatomical lesson of the entire human body. Free
Quiz yourself on anatomy
How to get into Medical School AND other biology lessons
There are some free lessons in this web site.
Introduction Triangles of the Neck
How to Get into Medical School
Other Resources
While we do not endorse any of the previous or following resources, they may be of help to you in deciding when, how and the best way to home school your child.
- Hawaii HomeSchool Association.
- Hawaii HomeSchool Association- FAQ. http://hawaiihomeschoolassociation.org/HHA/faq/index.html
- Maui- Local Home School Support- http://localhs.com/?Maui,HI
- The HomeSchool Mom- Maui https://www.thehomeschoolmom.com/local/maui-homeschooling-community-information/
* We are not associated nor affiliated in any way with any of the above resources. Neither do we receive any monetary reward from them in any way.